AICO is specialised in customised software optimisation, design and evaluation. The R&D activities in some specific areas that we concentrate upon are outlined in the sub-pages presented, but are not limited thereto.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) remains the base of all our activities. Because modern systems are more and more interactive, the application fields of ICT increase continually. Thus, expertise in ICT is opening doors to ever new business segments. However, acquiring new skills and common understanding is required to successfully serve new fields. Optimally we can get somebody experienced sharing skills and expertise with us. Commonly, a minimum of understanding is required long before in order to grasp the potential. Therefore, we are involved in scientific initiatives and continually visit information events. If an R&D area is found promising, we may visit selected scientific events (conferences) and screen articles published in renowned scientific journals.
Recently we focused into application quality and interoperability testing. Aside that run internal projects concerning automated energy management (Smart Grids, Smart Energy) based on energy subsystem modelling, and in the realm of SDN and NFV on cooperative resource management and smart QoS provisioning for ICT services.
Evidently, activities with a direct relation to commissioned work for customers/principals may not be published here. However, results from such activities may sometimes appear as News , though only with settled customer/principal agreement, and commonly in a very neutral, anonymous setting.